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What My Obedience to God Costs Other People

As they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon . . . , and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus —Luke 23:26 If we obey God, it is going to cost other people more than it costs us, and that is where the pain […]

Does My Sacrifice Live?

And Abraham built an altar . . and bound Isaac his son. — Genesis 22:9 This incident is a picture of the blunder we make in thinking that the final thing God wants of us is the sacrifice of death. What God wants is the sacrifice through death which enables us to do what Jesus […]

The Afterwards Of The Life Of Power

Whither I go, thou canst not follow Me now; but thou shalt follow Me afterwards. — John 13:36 “And when He had spoken this, He saith unto him, Follow Me.” Three years before, Jesus had said – “Follow Me,” and Peter had followed easily, the fascination of Jesus was upon him, he did not need […]

And Every Virtue We Possess

All my fresh springs shall be in Thee. — Psalm 87:7 (P.B.V.) Our Lord never patches up our natural virtues, He re-makes the whole man on the inside. “Put on the new man,” i.e., see that your natural human life puts on the garb that is in keeping with the new life. The life God […]

Where The Battle’s Lost And Won

If thou wilt return, 0 Israel, saith the Lord. . . . — Jeremiah 4:1 The battle is lost or won in the secret places of the will before God, never first in the external world. The Spirit of God apprehends me and I am obliged to get alone with God and fight the battle […]

His Birth And Our New Birth

Behold, a virgin shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. — Isaiah 7:14 (R.V.) His Birth in History. “Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1:35.) Jesus Christ was born into […]

The Hidden Life

Your life is hid with Christ in God. — Colossians 3:3 The Spirit of God witnesses to the simple almighty security of the life hid with Christ in God and this is continually brought out in the Epistles. We talk as if it were the most precarious thing to live the sanctified life; it is […]

Experience or God’s Revealed Truth?

We have received . . . the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God —1 Corinthians 2:12 My experience is not what makes redemption real— redemption is reality. Redemption has no real meaning for me until it is worked out through my […]

The Right Kind of Help

And I, if I am lifted up . . . will draw all peoples to Myself —John 12:32 Very few of us have any understanding of the reason why Jesus Christ died. If sympathy is all that human beings need, then the Cross of Christ is an absurdity and there is absolutely no need for […]