The Rock and The Light – Jesus


The world is restless, shifting like sand, but the Lord remains the same—yesterday, today, and forever. You were not called to be tossed by the winds of fear, nor to be weighed down by the burdens of this life. You were called to stand in the presence of the Almighty, clothed in righteousness, washed by His blood, and sealed with His Spirit.

Before you took your first breath, He knew you. Before the foundations of the earth, He had a plan for you. Do not measure yourself by the standards of men, for their wisdom fades like the grass. Instead, fix your eyes on Christ, the author and finisher of your faith. The road may be narrow, and the battle may be fierce, but the victory has already been won. You are not alone, nor forsaken—you are His. Walk in that truth, and let the world see His light in you